SYNDIC DE COPROPRIETES A ANTIBES (co-ownership in Antibes)
A family business for more than 45 years, CAP 'AGENCE SYNDIC puts at your disposal the professionalism of its employees to meet the expectations of a clientele concerned about the preservation of its heritage.
Our structure of syndic of co-ownership in Antibes, puts at your service:
- a team that can be easily reached and listened to
- an absolute transparency of our accounting
- the guarantee of a separate bank account in the name of the Joint Ownership
- monthly visits of the residence set with the Trade Union Council
- an absolute principle of reactivity: a problem reported = a problem treated, guaranteeing a peaceful and worry-free life within your Condominium
- a transparent and legible contract including almost all the benefits in the annual flat fee, thus a budget managed and without surprises and a facilitated control for the Conseil Syndical or the auditors.
Last but not least, our family business culture, which emphasizes professional ethics and personalized service.